Faith Academy of Christian Education
Have you been wanting to develop your abilities for MINISTRY?
Do you want to strengthen your walk with GOD?
Or perhaps just to widen your knowledge of BIBICAL TRUTHS?
Would you like to graduate from a Bible Institute with a Certificate, Diploma, or Degree?
If you were unable to do so due to the high cost of tuition or lack of time, Faith Academy of Christian Education is now offering you the opportunity to study at home in your spare time at a minimum cost and still graduate with the same qualification as those who study in the classroom.
Faith Academy of Christian Education offers a range of undergraduate and graduate studies which lead to earned certificates, diplomas and degrees that do not put you into financial difficulties. The Faith Academy of Christian Education is an online Deeper Life Theological Bible Institute, operated by the Faith Miracle Temple of Toronto Inc. and Faith Missionary Ministries Int’l.
Our online Bible school offers over 120 credit hours of high-quality classes. You can choose from many college-grade level classes that include Bible Survey, Theology, Apologetics, Evangelism, Pastoral Care, Church and Ministry, Church History, Ethics, and many more.
Please fill out the form below, and we will send you all the necessary information to complete your enrollment.